How To: Competition Preparation

As we all are aware, Winterfest is the first competition of the year, and in only a few short weeks we will compete from the 23rd to the 25th June.
Competitions are super exciting but can be slightly stressful, so here are some tips to help you prep for the big day.
Practise is everything! It’s what’s going to make your routine hit and look clean out on the mat. Make sure you attend every training session and go over the counts when you’re at home. You’ll have it perfect in no time.
Fuel your body! It is probably common knowledge, and sometimes hard to do, but through fuelling your body with healthy foods in preparation you are guaranteed to feel more energetic. Cut out the junk food, drink plenty of water and have meals with protein and carbohydrates (pasta, fish, fish pasta?)
Rest! The night before the comp go to bed early. You don’t want to fall asleep on the mat. In order for you to preform your best, you need to get enough rest.
Make a checklist! Remember to bring everything you need for the competition. A list to tick off before leaving helps prevent last minute panic to find something you need. Shoes, uniform, correct hair and make-up. Oh and don’t forget the bows!
One last thing, be positive. Don’t stress, no matter what place, if you have a great attitude Winterfest will be a success.
Base like a boss. Dance like a pro. Fly like an Eagle!